Mom & Gemma arrived yesterday. Picked them up under very sunny skies and warm weather. Came to the condo and they were hungry. Quicky made chicken sandwiches which we munched on overlooking the pool on the patio. Also had fresh chocolate chip cookies. Mom settled in for a nap and Gemma & I took off for the Goodwill. At last!! Someone as thrilled with the Goodwill as I am and anybody who knows Gemma knows that she is batty about thrift stores. We had the best time but we had time constraints. We were supposed to go to a 50's car show and Pudge was waiting. Back home we rushed and started off to find where this show was supposed to be. Never found it. But we had a beautiful ride as the sun was setting and the most gorgeous moon was starting to appear. Made our way through the streets of Scottsdale which were so lit up with the pretty little white miniature lights. It really was spectacular. Ate at a restaurant and came home and everyone collapsed.
Today was fun. Took Gemma & Mom to big swap meet here in Mesa. I had already been last week with Pudge, Gloria & Jim. Rented a wheel chair for Mom and I pushed her around. Lost Gemma right away but we had made arrangements to meet. My jaw dropped when we met up with Gemma and saw her purchases. She bought a big donkey and cart and 4 rugs--l large, 2 medium and 1 small. Not to mention she had a big bag of stuff. Now I knew she would not be able to take these home on the plane and I also knew that we would be taking them home with us in the van. Panic set in as I thought "how am I going to break this to Pudge." I knew he would not appreciate this big cart and donkey riding all the way from Arizona to Minnesota with us. I decided to let Gemma break it to him. I also told her to tell him that if it didn't work she could bring it back which I didn't think he would let her do that. Anyway, it all turned out OK. He handled it well. The only thing he said was "Where is the Mexican man to help pull the cart." But he did pull me aside and said "you have to tell her no more big stuff." Oh and btw--Mom purchased a robe that can also be used as a bathing suit coverup as well as a robe. She is thrilled with it. Also she got a cardigan sweat shirt and the neatest bib which she loves and has already used.
Well after all that we poured a glass of wine and sat on patio. Then the neighbors around us were gathering on another patio so we joined them and had a great time. Mom stayed back and napped. Back to the condo for spaghetti supper. Now we are all just chilling out. Mom reading, Gemma making phone calls, Pudge watching TV in bedroom and me typing my blog entry.
Time to sign off. Everyone sends their love. Good night
jello, this seems cool!
1 year ago
It seems like the only thing you are missing is the "Patty Wagon!" I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself and have found a way to be on the Internet! Greet everyone for me!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that all of you are having a great time. I know how much Gemma enjoyed going to a thrift shop in Branson. I enjoyed it too, but I was totally done in an hour and she asked if she could stay for three. It was fun seeing the different treasures she purchased.
ReplyDeleteI think it sound absolutely gorgeous to just sit on your patio's and have breakfast, lunch & snacks.
And I'm sure you know by now that this week is one of the bitter coldest we have had for some time. It will certainly make us think of all of you in sunny Arizona.
Thanks for all the updates, we love reading them.