First of all I need to say that the internet connection here at condo is somewhat iffy. Sometimes we can get on and sometimes not. I am hoping this will post and I do not get kicked off before it does.
So much to tell and I am not even sure I can remember everything.
The weather has been absolutely wonderful. We have seen the news about the frigid cold in Minnesota. Mom wishes she was back there so she can experience it--NOT.
Gemma almost drowned in the pool. I saved her.
Gemma got lost around the complex grounds today. Had to have a stranger help find her way back. She was gone about an hour. She missed happy hour.
Mom has done water aerobics twice now and boy, has she improved. First time she could not let go of the side of pool. 2nd time she only had to hang on to it 2 or 3 times. Just think, you guys, she is going to be so buff. I even heard someone call her Esther while she was in the water. (For those of you too young that would be Esther Williams--famous movie star who swam)
Today dropped Gemma off at Goodwill and the rest of us (Gloria, Mom & I) started looking for a Steinmart which we never did find. Of course, Gemma bought many treasures that she is thrilled with. The rest of us bought a loaf of bread
Yesterday we went on a journey to what is known as Tortilla Flats. It is in the mountains and such a beautiful, scenic drive. It was incredible. Lots of cacti, twisty, narrow road, beautiful Canyon Lake nestled in between mountains, narrow 1 lane bridge and at the end an adorable, western town called Tortilla Flats. We all were ohing and awing at the sights. As we were traveling through this I could picture the Indians on the high rocks midst the bushes and cacti looking down at the wagon trains. Just like what we used to see in the old western movies. The town was very charming. Very western with the boardwalks, a saloon and an outdoor eating area. They ordered hamburgers and I ordered chili which was so hot I gasped as I ate it. There was a band playing and singing all the old western songs like we used to hear. It was really neat. We went a little further up the mountain but turned around when it got to be just a dirt road. We retraced our steps still marveling at the scenery even though we had seen it. this is only about 1 hour from our condo so it made for a very pleasant trip.
Well I know there is a lot more to tell but I am afraid I will lose this if I do not get it posted.
Pudge, Gemma and Mom send their greetings to everyone.
jello, this seems cool!
1 year ago
I've been enjoying hearing all about the trip. I certainly wish we were there right now. (brrrrrrrrr)
ReplyDeleteWhen my internet is iffy, I sometimes write the post in word and copy & paste when I get online!
BTW, where are the pictures?! I want pictures!
I was just reading about Esther Williams this morning, in the obituary for Ricardo Montalban. Anyway--glad that you are having a great time and keeping warm. It is not so bad in Stuttgart--it has been around 40 for the last few days--but I have been reading everyone else's blogs and shivering for them!
ReplyDeleteOh Sarah, how I wish I knew how to put on pictures. I do have some great ones. I do not even know where to begin. Great tip on writing in word. I am sure going to try that and hope it works. As you probably know I have a love/hate relationship with this computer. I used to rely on my students for all the tips.
ReplyDeleteDid Gemma really almost drowned??
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh it sounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteI wondered about Pudge and his missing hockey.
It is great that Aunt Liz is trying the water aerobics. I guess it really shouldn't suprise me as she is the one person I know who usually will try anything. She is such a true trooper.
You are doing a really great job of blogging. We are all loving and looking forward to your posts.
Do you have my blog address? Just wondering as you haven't ever made any comments on mine.
Looking forward to more posts.
Good for you! You couldn't have picked a BETTER time to be away from the frozen tundra we call "home."
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you are having so much fun and hope you continue to find more places to explore.