The countdown is on--2 more days and then we start the journey home. I have started cleaning the condo and getting things together to be packed. Part of me is wanting to come home and part of me doesn't want to. I am anxious to see grandchildren. Pudge wants to get back to his hockey team. Jim is dreading going back and Gloria is like me--she is anxious to see grandchildren but the ugly weather up there is a deterrent. There are no complaints about the weather here--it has been great all month.
We are meeting with a realtor tomorrow to make arrangements to rent a condo for next year. This time for 3 months. We looked at it last week and there are many things that I like about it. It is right on the golf course and only a little way from our friend's John & Shannon. Also not far from the condo that Jim & Gloria bought. Yep--I guess it is pretty much official. The deal has not been completely sealed but pretty much. There are things that I am going to miss about this place that we are in. Most of all the people we have met and I like the location.
Yesterday we spent the day at a gorgeous golf course. It was the practice round of many famous pro golfers for a big tourney starting tomorrow. I got to see Shaq O'Neill. They had an event that involves Special Olympics and he was there. He is difficult to miss--he stands well above everybody. Reminded me of a big, gentle giant. When he spoke it was very quiet and nonchalant. His feet are huge. Someone asked him why he slam dunked so many balls and his response was "because I can." There is no doubt that is true. Also at this event there were many of the pro golfers. They had someone going around with a mike asking the audience if they had any questions for the celebrities. Most everyone asked Shaq questions. I raised my hand and much to my surprise they came to me. Now I was not sure who or what I was going to ask. I quickly looked at my pamphlet and noticed J.B. Holmes was the defending champion of this tournament so after the mike was pushed into my face I said I wanted to ask him a question. Commentator said "well, he is right here" so he came over to me and into the mike I said, "Let's say it is the last day of the tournament and you are tied for first--will you be able to sleep the night before and what is one thing you will do to help you win the tournament?" First thing I noticed is that he looked to be about 12 years old. He answered, "sure I will be able to sleep and the one thing that would help me win the tournament would be if my putting game is on." I also asked if the pressure got to him during tournaments and he replied, rather nonchalantly, "everyone has pressure." This was fun and I was able to tell P, G, & J about my experience because they were not there. Now it will be fun to watch this FBR tournament on TV and see how my friend J.B. Holmes does. Pudge wished I would have asked this question--"what was more pressure--putting for the Masters or the Ryder cup?" Too bad he wasn't there to coach me. I would have asked that but I didn't even know he was in the Masters or the Ryder.
Anyway, it was a neat experience wandering around this gorgeous golf course in Scottsdale on a beautiful day. I do have to say that golfers are beautiful dressers and most were very nice looking. It was fun to people watch also. Oh, and the talent these golfers have is phenomenal.
I am going to have to ban myself from going into Steinmart. I am telling you people that the buys in that store are incredible. Like my friend Julee says, "they are practically paying you to take it out of their store." At least that is what I tell my husband. He doesn't quite buy into that concept yet but I still keep trying.
This evening we all went to John & Shannon's for a wonderful dinner. It was so much fun. Pudge & I took their dogs for a walk on the golf course and then we took their golf cart out for a ride while the others played cards. It was a beautiful evening--stars everywhere and a sliver of a moon. Everything is so quiet. There is nobody out and about at all after 6 pm anywhere. We have noticed this from Day 1. It is actually very quiet even in the day time. Today the neighbors have grandchildren visiting and it was delightful to hear them playing in the pool. I liked it.
Well I am going to close. It never fails that when I do lots of other things come into my head that I should have blogged about. Oh well, such is life.
jello, this seems cool!
1 year ago
Great to hear from you again. My, what a month you have had. I'm beginning to feel sorry for you to have to return to Minnesota where the women are strong, the men are good--looking, and all the children are above average.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you have had a great trip. I would love to have a "second home". I am shocked Pudge has survived being away from Hockey in January.