Now it will be interesting to see if I can put the knowledge that Sarah taught me about posting pictures and other things about this blogging. I am hoping I do not get frustrated and I am also hoping that I will not be on this computer for 2-3 hours trying to figure out things.
First thing I want to do is put pictures in chronological order.
Here goes--Wish me luck!!
Friday morning, August 14, 2009--started preparing for a getaway weekend up north. Flowers and tomatoes are watered, bags are packed, coolers are stocked with food, snacks, and water, books and magazines that I want to look at are put in the van. Pudge goes over to hook up boat. Comes back and says "we can't go." Somebody stole both of the depth finders out of the boat. They also tried to get some of the rods and reels but they got tangled and they must have given up. OK--in my thoughts I start to rearrange my thought pattern for staying at home. A little while later Pudge comes back and says that we can use a portable depth finder that he happened to have in the garage. Not the best but it will do.
First stop--MilleLacs Lake. About noon we launch boat and off we went to the deep waters to catch walleye that the lake is famous for. Problems with boat. Back to dock. Not quite sure what was wrong and how it got solved but we are off again. Not able to go fast because of the issues with the boat. That is fine with me. I don't like fast. Get to the "fishing spot." I get myself settled at the bow of the boat with a book, padding for my back and head and a glass of wine at my side. Pudge is busy baiting rods with leeches. He gets mine done and props it. Now I can only hope that a fish doesn't bite so I have to get up from my cozy spot, put book down and deal with the stupid fish. I am in my glory. The sun is hot and it penetrates your bones so you finally feel warm. Book is good and sips of the cold wine is very refreshing. I am loving it!! Pudge not so much. He doesn't like the heat. I am hearing him mumble and grumble as he continuously wipes sweat from his head and brow.
Spent a few hours on the lake. No bites (Hooray!! Hooray!!)
Now on to Brainerd. The drive is scenic and interesting. Had a wonderful dinner at a steak house. Took a long ride around Gull Lake. We plan to spend the night in the van. The back makes into a very comfortable bed and we also planned on spending it in the WalMart parking lot. Now I can just hear some of you thinking "oh boy! that sounds like a good time." Actually it is. There is something about the simplicity of this that I really enjoy. Now it is something I would not want to do for 3 or 4 nights in a row but 1 or 2 nights is just fine with me. There are other motor homes doing this also and there is a kind of camaraderie with them. We get ourselves settled in. I am quite comfortable. It is nice to not have to use covers. Once again this is not so for Pudge. He is warm and slept fitfully through the night. I slept well. Even had to pull covers up in middle of the night. It was chilly.
Up the next morning very early which is usual for us. Used WalMart restrooms. Got a newspaper. Went to Caribou. Sat there drinking coffee, reading paper and getting on the internet for about 2 hours. I thought they were going to start charging us rent.
Next destination is Breezy Point on Pelican Lake. We did stop at a few garage sales on the way. Also it was chokecherry days in one of the little towns so we walked through there. Got to see Paul Bunyan's fishing bobber which is their water tower and his big chair that he would sit in. Had breakfast in a little cafe.
We had tried to get motel reservations at Breezy Point resort earlier in the week but there was nothing available so we were going to look for a motel close by. We did pull into Breezy Point compound just to look around. I said "let's go in and just see if there was a cancelation." There was. We got a very nice room and we were able to get in right away. It is only about 11:30 am. We both took showers and put on clean clothes and went exploring the area by foot. I like it. Lots of people, lots of water activity, restaurants, golf course, several different housing options, & a gift shop. Pudge is wanting to watch the PGA so he went back to room. I continue to explore and check out the menus for dinner that night.
Later in the afternoon we took a ride. Stopped at a flea market. Not a good one but I did have my picture taken with Babe the Blue Ox.
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We also went to the town of Nisswa where they were having sidewalk days. It was crowded. Lots of gift shops. I do have problems with gift shop prices. I am used to Savers, Goodwill and garage sales. And I swear to all of you I have seen some of the exact same things in the thrift shops that were in those gift shops. The only reason I like to go in the gift shops is to get ideas and realize what a bargain I get when I buy at "my shopping places."
Back to motel where more of the PGA and the twins are watched. There is a gentle rain coming down. I read my book and also keep an eye on the TV when the PGA is on.
Our plan for the evening was to have dinner at the Dockside restaurant because that is where the Elvis show was going to be. It is usually outside on the beach but because of the rain it was to be inside. We knew we had to get there early to get a good seat. Show started anywhere from 8-9:00. We got there about 6:30. It was already crowded and noisy--2 things Pudge does not like. Found a table but no chairs. I decided to walk around to see if there was anything else. Pudge is not too happy. Lo and behold I saw 2 chairs at this very small bar near the front. I asked bartender if anybody was sitting there and no there was not. I could hardly believe it. Quickly went back to get Pudge thinking this might make him happier. It did. We discovered that the stage was about 5 feet from us. They were the best seats in the place. As a matter of fact, I would rub shoulders with Elvis when he would come to bar during performance to drink water and wipe his face. BTW Elvis is Chris (forgot last name) who does an incredible impersonation of Elvis. We have seen him about 4 other times and really enjoyed him. He did not disappoint us this time either. He was great!!! It was so much fun. He sought me out 2 or 3 times--reached for my hand and held it during one song, put a lei around my neck while singing Blue Hawaii into my eyes, pointed at me during one song to make a point. I am sure it had to do with my proximity to him. But whatever it was he was great and I loved it.
What a nice mini-vacation you had! I liked the pictures and know the area you are taking about. Wasn't Pudge a bit jealous with Elvis's crush on you?