Looking through pictures this evening and got very nostalgic. Yes, I even got a little teary. Decided I wanted to document so I can look back at this post that will have memories. And maybe it will take away the nagging guilt of not posting lately.
Christmas time--2012. Pudge and his oldest sister, Barb. We got together before Christmas at Mary Jo's (Barb's daughter). Had a very nice visit. It was nice because it was only a few of us there so we got to really visit. When we are home we meet up with Barb and Butch at least once a week and walk around Maplewood Mall and then have coffee and get caught up. Pudge really likes his sister and looks forward to always getting together with her and Butch. She is a great lady and I enjoy her very much.
This picture brings a smile to my face. Not sure why it turned out with that dark line. These are my "teacher friends." Peggy (art teacher) taught right across the hall and we were hired the same year. Me. Nancy (she taught FACS with me.) Back row is Phyllis (phy ed and health) Marcy (business teacher) She was hired the same year as Peggy and me. And then there is Nancy who also taught FACS with me. All of these ladies give me a warm feeling. When I am home in MN we meet for coffee every Friday morning. Love getting together with these dear friends. All of us are retired now except Nancy and Phyllis.
High school friends. All of these ladies except me graduated in 1963. I graduated a year later. For some reason I got very close to the class ahead of me thus the friendship has continued. I cannot believe the fun we have when we get together. These gals knew me when I was young and foolish. Even though we are all old ladies now you would never know it when we get together and giggle and talk old times. It is so nice to be with people who know exactly what you are talking about from way back when instead of having to go into deep explanation. The order is as listed: Laurel (Harholdt) Hesley, Diane (Martin) Lepinski, Jackie (Green) Wenzel, Nancy (Dunlap) Ream, Me, Karen (Duncan) Brueske, Kris (Hanson) Anderson. Love these people!!
Christmas Eve--We celebrated at my nephew Jeff's house. It was so very nice. Jeff did such an excellent job hosting this event. I was so impressed. This is Shannon Reed (Wayne's youngest) Her birthday is Christmas Day. We celebrated with a cake and singing Happy Birthday. She turned 38. I can hardly believe it. Trevor (great nephew) is on the couch.
Love this picture!! Back Row--Pudge, Bob Buttermore (Kim's husband) Amber (Matt's wife), Jeff, Matt, Shannon, Kim, Trevor and his girl friend, Marissa and me. Oh!! how Mom would have loved this!!!
Laughlin, Nevada. If I ever win the lottery I would buy this car. Love 57 Chevrolets! Denny, Pudge and I did a mini trip. Enjoyed it so very much. So much fun!!!
Christmas Day - 2012. Spent at Bryan's house. Kari, Jamie, Abby and Bryan. I cannot believe I only have this one picture from that day. I guess I didn't have Mom there bossing me around and telling me what pictures to take.
This was in Laughlin, Nevada. The reason I took this picture is because Wayne had a slot machine exactly like this. I remember the slot machine but not any of the details. It was Pudge who told me that this one was exactly like the one Wayne had.
We left Laughlin and made our way to Oatman, Nevada. A couple miles before we reached the town we ran upon These bushes in the desert that were decorated. It made a statement. I thought it was really neat. There were probably about 10 of them. They were spaced quite a ways from each other.
Oatman, Nevada. It is an old Western town with lots of personality. Wild burros roam freely throughout the town. I loved these adorable donkeys.
Another trip we took. Decided to go to Yuma, AZ and go to a border town in Mexico. Right now I cannot think of the name. We parked car and walked across. There was nothing about this experience I did not like. I know it is not for everybody but it sure was for me. You know immediately you are in Mexico with the colors, the vendors, the Mexican food. I love the bantering and bickering. I like how they will slap their products on you and start to bargain. They will follow you down the street trying to get you to buy. I see it as really fun. In this border town there are tons of dentists, eyeglasses, pharmacies. Many Americans come there for dental work because it is about 1.3 the cost of the U.S. There was even a character dressed up as a tooth roaming the streets. Wish I would have gotten a picture of that. Pudge bought me 2 bracelets. It was one of those things where the vendor put all kinds of them on my wrist and started with $40.00 for one of them. It ended up where we got 2 for $20,00 and he threw in a pair of earrings. I actually really like them a lot and wear them all the time. Also bought a cute little table with Kokopellis. That started at $65.00 and we got it for 20.00 I did give him an extra dollar to buy a coke for himself. And we really like this table. Also bought a really neat stained glass hanging of a golfer. That started out at $65.00 and ended up paying $30. It is perfect hanging in our screen porch overlooking the golf course.
And of course, you cannot go to Mexico and not have a margarita. We also ate great enchiladas while listening to the most fantastic singer.
Yuma, AZ. has a prison that you can tour. It was from back in the late 1800's. We all liked this tour very much.
On the way home we found this ghost town that was really off the beaten path but it was so worth it. Big and very authentic. We had to drive about 10 miles back into the forsaken desert land. Fascinating though because it was government land where they were testing ammunition and bombs. We could hear the ka-booms all the time. And there was no mistaking that it was serious with all the posting of signs. Anyway, this is Denny with a dunce cap. Every thing was so well done. Took longer than we expected to go through this because it was bigger than what we thought.
They had a building there that they wanted all veterans to sign the wall. It was interesting to read the names, ranks and the years of these people.
Liked this guy and his cabin
Collection of potties at the ghost town.
This was taken at the Barret Jackson. I am so very glad I went to this event. It was so awesome. This just happened to be a display of the Jack Daniels whiskey which was informative. Then they took your picture as you exited the display. Owen, Pudge, Me and Denny.
I am not going to spell check this or proof it. I just want to get it published before anything happens and it disappears.
jello, this seems cool!
1 year ago
I enjoyed seeing your photos and captions/explanations, Pat. You're getting to do some really fun things!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking a lot about Aunt Liz, too. Friday was a particularly difficult day - told my friends at break how much I miss her and started to cry.
What a great post, Pat. Lots of very neat photo's and captions.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things that Keith remembers most about Wayne is that slot machine. When the kids and I stayed at your Moms, that was one of the things Wayne would do is have me bring the kids over.
Good job!