Pudge has been so excited about going that it was hard to contain him. He has been thinking and preparing for the last month. Me--not so much. Not crazy about leaving this early but I am willing to give it a try. This is all a new learning experience so we will see if this works or doesn't.
Left at 12:30 pm. Went back roads through southern Minnesota. When going through Gaylord I thought to myself--I wonder where my aunt and uncle's farm was? I wonder where the roller rink was? the church we went to mass? When we went through New Ulm I thought -- I wonder where those Stations of the Cross were? So many memories from down there. We passed the Catholic cemetary and of course I thought of my grandparents, aunts and uncles who are buried there.
Got to Pierre, S. Dak about 11 pm. This was after we missed a turn and went 30 miles out of our way. We are trying to avoid the freeway. Climbed into bed in the back of our van in the WalMart parking lot. Yeh--I know some of you are saying, WALMART PARKING LOT. They allow it and it is not bad at all. In fact, it can be kind of fun. We were not the only ones there.
Up at 5 am but it was really 4 am because we crossed time zones. On the road and it is dark as pitch. Went to Wall Drug but it was like it was in the dead of night and nothing was open. Took scenic route through the Big Horn Mountains. Came very close to hitting a deer but with quick reaction from the driver (not me) it was avoided. Quick grateful prayer was said.
Got to Cody at 5 pm and we both took hot shower and relaxed some. Off to dinner and now we are back. I have missed this computer and feel really good about being able to catch up emails and facebook.
Tomorrow we will be in Yellowstone Park. I could write so nmuch more but I am getting weary. To be continued.....
Wow! Your pictues and commentary are great! You've seen some neat places already. I like that you're staying off the Interstate highways. I prefer that, too. That buffalo looked very close!!! Keep on having a wonderful trip!