Sunday, November 30, 2014

Tippity Tap News-Nov.29, 2014

Tippity Tap News

Written By:  Pat Soderberg (President)

November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving is over.  We are progressing well with our dances.  We have the months of December, January and February.  It seems to me like things are coming fast and furious.  And that is probably because they are.  I want to make sure that communication is out there and everyone is on the same page. Some of this information may be redundant but I’m OK with that. 


·        December 3 – Golf Cart (Christmas) Parade Entertainment.  We are doing a revised version of “Rudolph.”  Remember we practiced it on Friday.  Not good.  We came to the conclusion we needed help.  That brought us (those that could make it) to Vickie’s house last Wednesday.  There we had a piano and some expert advice.  We made progress.  It never ceases to amaze me that when great minds get together how things can turn out.  Vickie has once again offered her house, piano and expertise on Monday, Dec. 1st at 5:30 pm. Any one that missed last Wednesday should show up.  We will get you caught up.

·        December 3 – Christmas Golf Cart Parade.  Line up at Auditorium at 5 pm. 

·        December 12 – Christmas Party.  Instead of practicing dances we will party.  Come at 9 am and we will start.  We eat, have our little game with gifts and are out of there by noon so the Jam Session can start. 

·        December 23 – There will be a lesson.  Show up.

·        December 26 & 30 – Do not show up.  There will be no practice or lessons on those days.  But you can surely practice at home.  

·        December 16-28 – I will not be here.  But trust me when I tell you that I will be thinking about “My Sunsationals.”  I go to sleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. 

·        January 2 – Publicity Photos.  Now this will be our first day back from Christmas break.  We need to be organized.  I thought about doing this on two different days.  Decided against it.  I know many of you have to bring a lot of costumes and it will get hectic, chaotic and hairy.  We can deal with it.  We have to deal with it because that is what it is going to be like for the Revue.  Start thinking about getting all your costumes and accessories in order for this.  Stephanie has agreed to be there to help us stage the photos.  Joyce will be taking the pictures. 

·        January 3 – Pancake Breakfast.  Volunteers will be needed to man the table and sell Revue tickets
·        January 13 – Stephani’s Studio for class.  We will plan to do some car pooling.

New Idea – I have been tossing this around in my head.  I would like to have a “tech rehearsal.”  Not sure what else to call it and Joyce came up with that name.  The Revue is going to have video segments.  Nancy has been working very hard to get this together.  I owe her big time for doing this very time consuming job.  The “tech rehearsal” would be Joyce’s script along with the videos.  I think it would take about 45 minutes--could take longer if we run into “glitches.”  I would like to do this on Friday, January 16.  We would do our dances only one time that day and then watch the “tech rehearsal.”  Another reason for doing this is so that all of you can see the show minus the dances.

See following schedule for all the dates. 






Sunsationals Schedule – 2014-2015


Wednesday, Dec. 3          5:00 pm                 Golf Cart Parade          Auditorium

Friday, Dec. 5                   6:30-10:00 pm       Vickie’s Party              7941 East              


Friday, Dec. 12                 9:00 am                  Christmas Party         Auditorium

Friday, Dec. 26                                                 No Practice

Tuesday, Dec. 30                                              No Class

Friday, Jan. 2                    9:00 am                   Publicity Photos      Auditorium

Saturday, Jan. 3                6:00 am                   Pancake Breakfast   Auditorium

                                                                           (Ticket Sale)

Tuesday, Jan. 13               9 and 11:15             Class at Studio    

Friday, Jan. 16                   10:15 am                 Tech Rehearsal       Auditorium

Sat. Feb. 7                          6:00 am                   Pancake Breakfast   Auditorium

                                                                            (Ticket Sale)

Sat. Feb. 14                        TBD                         Soup Contest           Auditorium

Tues. Feb. 24                      9:00 am                   Dress Rehearsal     Auditorium

Tues. March 3                     7:00 pm                   2015 Revue                     Auditorium

Sat. March 7                        2:00 and 7:00 pm    2015 Revue                    Auditorium

Tues. March 17                    1:00 pm                   Ladies Luncheon   Auditorium

Fri. March 27                        12:30                       Spring Meeting      Mesa Verde